Friday 18 May 2012

Our Shouse is on the Move ...

Oohhh it is very exciting ....

the sand pad seemed to be down forever before anything else was done.
WooHoo we now have our Garage Pad being poured.

Then the garage starts to go up ....

Just like Maccano ...

 Walla ... we have a Roof & ...

Walls .... Yayyyy.

The Water Tank has been erected, all the pipes have been laid ready to connect to the Garage & House to begin collecting water ...

And the House pad has been finished .... The list gets pulled out & I make sure we have got everything in order ... Owner Building is well lets say so far so good.

Sunday 13 May 2012

Happy Mothers Day ....

It's that time of the year again where we pay tribute to our Mum's ... for those of us still lucky enough to have them with us it is a time to let them know how much they mean to us. I am very lucky to have a Mum who is Kind, Loving & Selfless ... she is draped in Motherhood always Giving when we are in need, alway's Loving no matter what we have done, alway's Supportive with no Judgments .... She is the foundation of our family ... when cracks appear she is always there to mend it so the foundations stay strong. What would we do without her ... I Love you Mum xx

Mum at about 16.

                                          Me, Darren, Sarah & Fi.


  Ethan's 50th Footy Game. (Pete, Ethan, Me & Mum)

                         Mum, Barbz, Fi, Me, Ally, Jordie & Britt.



           Mum & I in Bali June 2011

                   Visiting some of our sponsor families in Bali.

KETEKUNG where we stayed in Ubud ... this is the couple who ran it.

Mum's friend in Sanur.

Xmas 2011

Tuesday 1 May 2012

The Power of Money ....



#1 - There is not enough
#2 -  More is better
#3 -  & thats just the way it is.
If we continue to think this way we continue to play the money game keeping in mind only a small % Win. So is there a Win-Win game? if I told you there is would you be interested? it is very simple & has been used for thousands of years .... it is an economy based on gift giving.


Over time our Communities have been reduced to Extended Families, then to Nuclear Families & now in many situations 1 Parent Families. The break down of the Community has also broken down the ability to help each other. It is simple ... if you have money you can buy stuff if you don't have money you can't buy stuff. So how does the Gift Economy work? Quite simply it is about giving to each other, helping each other out & sharing what we have.


Simplify .... Simplify .... Simplify.

#1 - Get out of Debt
#2 - Detach yourself from the things that keep you trapped
#3 - Create Communities based on Giving
#4 - Create your own money system in your own communities


It is believed we are heading into a Dark Age, this is a time referred to as a period of  cultural & economic deterioration & disruption. It is a period of Intellectual Darkness & Backwardness an absence of light.


#1 - Simplify your Life
#2 - Build a supportive & caring community
#3 - Maximise Creativity
#4 - Maximise non violence
#5 - Preserve Knowledge
#6 - Live a sacred life in a sacred world
#7 - Create a money system that supports a win-win

                       "WHAT WE DO TO THE WORLD WE DO TO OURSELVES"

How to start a movement will need 4 kinds of people

#1 - Dreamer - has the ideas
#2 - Planner - helps dreams come true
#3 - Doer - makes dreams come true
#4 - Celebrater - celebrates the dream coming to reality

You will need 4 groups of people

#1 - Active supporters
#2 - Passive supporters
#3 - Passive resisters
#4 - Active resisters

There are many cultures still practising this gift economy community ... isn't it amazing that we have come full  circle & are looking back at where we started .... in a community where everyone takes care of each other.


With the collapse of the world economy we are in desperate need of joining forces as communities if we are to survive the money game ... where of course we become the big losers. The financial bailout of the US Banking system is a dark cloud with a silver lining. There is no escaping the DEBT burden which will be heaped upon the backs of tax payers. The bailout has bought us some time before the big bankrupcy hits. Hyperinflation events will sweep the world there will be good people who will be in financial crsis & struggling families who will find themselves on the street with no where to go ... but the upside is we have a rare window of opportunity to take action to protect our loved ones. Simplify our lives & become self sufficient.


With Governments going bankrupt & private sectors feeling the squeeze with consumer spending plummeting we have seen a wave of bankrupcies & business shrinkage which will cause a ripple affect through the business sector. Non profit organisations in a suppressed economy means a slow down in donations. You may have a while before your job is at risk ... but the risk exists nonetheless.

                                WHAT TO DO TO BE PREPARED

                                     Simplify .... Simplify .... Simplify.